Friday, July 22, 2005

Deep Thoughts

Today in class, we looked at a very worshipful arrangement of a Rich Mullin's song set to video and majestic nature pictures. Then we were shown a second version using images of human suffering and devastation. We all struggled with the repeating lyric, "everywhere I go, I see you" and its reference to God being revealed in all of creation. Then it hit me...the images of death in the second video were no more fallen than the majestic vistas of the first. Why is it that we so quickly forget that all of creation is fallen and it is in that fallenness that the earth screams out for the hope of redemption. It is in that scream that He is revealed. He is present in the mountains. He is present in suffering. He is glorified by both and that's really hard for us...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One More Meeting!

Okay--it wasn't the academic dean, but an academic advisor, but I'm still really thankful for the prayers! We actually walked from campus to a Chinese restaurant a couple of blocks away. He was helpful and signed off of the reclassification. Tomorrow, I meet with the admissions boss (I don't know his title). It should go well, but we'll see! After that, we're all set for a ThM.

Tonight at Wildlife, we sent the 8th grade up a week early since Jonathan was here (our candidate for the senior high position and the guy who got our whole department into the blog-o-sphere). The 7th grade was great tonight. We played awhile inside and one student asked if my summer school class was because of cemetary... Then we prayed and it always breaks my heart and inspires me at the same time. There is nothing like a circle of junior high kids who will pray for each other.

We were small tonight (summer and no 8th grade) and only had about 25, but it always starts the same way. One asks for prayer for their cousin's sister's step dad but within a couple of minutes someone asks about their Dad's cancer or their friend who died or the divorce they fear is coming. It hurts my heart, but it is amazing to watch them look to God for a way through it all. Sometimes deeper conversations follow (I'll be praying for you in case you're reading this) and remind us all why we take this path of vocational ministry.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Short Prayer Request

I'd like to ask for a short prayer...I meet on Wednesday (12 central) with the academic dean from DTS to discuss my desire to re-classify as a ThM student (instead of the Christian Ed degree I started on). This is kind of crossing the Rubicon for us, because it commits us to at least another 4 years and it is very difficult to get on a lighter program once you're in. And, it will mean I have to start Spiritual Formation (a two-year discipleship process I can't get out of andhave to pay for!!). And, it means we're committing to move beyond the Stafford Loan we've been using up till now (runs out in 06). So, you could pray we win the lottery too--especially since I've never entered it! ;-)

Thanks ya'll--I'm nervous about this decision but we think it's the right thing. If you remove all the other concerns (like graduating at 40 and $ and time), we both believe I should pursue the full degree, languages and all. We left Tennessee with a commitment to not be controlled by fear. Please pray for clarity and unity as Wendy and I move forward and for our sustained ability to thrive as a family through all this!

Vacation Pics!

We've decided that we really like camping and we really like the beach, but we're not so sure we ever want to camp at the beach again (to quote Wendy)! However, I felt like I was on a mission trip with my own family after all these years--it was a really great week! We even found this really cool head buried in the sand... ;-)