Saturday, November 18, 2006

8:00 leaving West Memphis. Lots of coughing last night. We didn't sleep well, but we're excited.


HANNAH said...

Hi Steve Did You go to Memphis?

Anonymous said...

Call us when you get here so we can make plans to get together.

Steve said...

Hannah, we just spent the night in West Memphis and drove through Memphis. We're actually in the other end of the state now--where we're from!

Anonymous said...

i say there is a cigar meeting and we all get to say hello. Do you ever get rest when you take vacations here?

HANNAH said...

O Cool i Hope you have a good time!

Anonymous said...

Your on vacation and still checkin his Blog, wow the dedication.

It's all greek to me!!

Anonymous said...

HEy steve! this Tj on vacation and still posting? dude take a break. oh well. Happy Thanksgiving!!